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Friday, September 26, 2008


So old I was waiting for you.
In the dimension that was agreed to by us.
Our place will continue together forever.
But not in the world was full of the falseness that was stepped on by us until now.
The world of the place all of them fast mildewed and cracked despite that the love.
The world that everything where limited and was restricted by space and time.
The world that has been obstructed us to meet.

It was so old that I was waiting for you.
I stayed patient because I knew you were lost.
You chose the wrong gate, the imaginary gate.
The gate that brought you to nature that was full of the trap and deceit.
That where all beauty of appearance that deceived.
Nature that would plunge into the error valley and darkness.
The place of the ending everything became regret, torture and the suffering without the limit and without the tip.

Here I was patient in being waiting for you.
The world that where all of them stayed young and new because always was renewed.
Boredom, difficulty, sad, the suffering and torture died here.
Remained only outstanding enjoyment, stretched in the nature that the area without the limit.
Even how many was gulped by us, will be never finished, because of continuing to improve so many fold times.
I craved you to be here, beside me.
We gulp the enjoyment of the love without being cut off, without the limit and without the end.
But you chose the wrong gate, the imaginary gate
It was not possible for us to be able to meet.

Before late I told you, so that you could arrive at my place here.
The gate that was I chosen and brought me here, there is in the heart.
But you can not enter if being not opened.
Ask by humiliating himself so low-low level to the gate breeder in order to be opened for you.
He also that had gave me this place here.
He was the Owner of this Universe.
Allah was most Lover and Beloved?

September 2008
JH Alifulhaq



Begitu lama aku menunggumu.
Di dimensi yang kita sepakati.
Tempat kita akan terus bersama selamanya.
Tapi bukan di dunia penuh kepalsuan yang kita pijak selama ini.
Dunia tempat segalanya cepat lapuk dan lekang meskipun itu cinta.
Dunia yang segala sesuatunya terbatas dan dibatasi ruang dan waktu.
Dunia yang telah menghalangi kita untuk bersua.

Begitu lama aku menunggumu.
Aku tetap sabar karena aku tahu kamu tersesat.
Kamu telah memilih gerbang yang salah, gerbang khayalan.
Gerbang yang telah membawamu ke alam yang penuh jebakan dan tipuan.
Tempat bertahtanya segala keindahan semu yang memperdaya.
Alam yang menjerumuskan kedalam lembah kesesatan dan kegelapan.
Tempat berakhirnya segala sesuatu menjadi penyesalan, siksaan dan penderitaan tanpa batas dan tanpa ujung.

Disini aku sabar menunggumu.
Tempat segalanya tetap muda dan baru karena senantiasa diperbaharui.
Kebosanan, susah, sedih, penderitaan dan siksaan telah mati disini.
Tersisa hanya kenikmatan tiada tara, membentang di alam yang maha luas tanpa batas.
Seberapun kita reguk, tidak akan pernah habis, karena terus bertambah sekian kali lipat.

Aku dambakan kamu disini, disisiku.
Untuk mereguk kenikmatan cinta tanpa putus, tanpa batas dan tanpa akhir.
Tapi kamu telah memilih gerbang yang salah, gerbang khayalan.
Tidak mungkin kita bisa bertemu.

Sebelum terlambat aku katakan padamu, agar kamu bisa sampai ke tempatku disini.
Gerbang yang kupilih dan membawaku kesini, ada di hati.
Tapi kamu tidak akan bisa masuk kalau tidak dibuka.
Mintalah dengan merendahkan diri se rendah-rendahnya pada pemelihara gerbang itu agar dibukakan untukmu.
Dia jugalah yang memberiku tempat ini disini.
Dia lah Pemilik Alam Semesta ini.
Allah Yang Maha Mencintai Lagi Maha Dicinta.
September 2008
JH Alifulhaq


Thursday, September 18, 2008

The scratch

You knew why I was not come to you.
We hid the same thing despite us had been never touching.
Remember when the last time we met.
We gazed at each other without the wink not want to free.
There is aura covered us, from the tumult of the chest.
That wanted to break all the available obstacles.
Like the tumult of sea without the break welcomed the storm.
Oh, horrifying of tumult on the chest that we the prison so many old.
Continued pound on wanted immediately to join in the struggle was full of the outstanding enjoyment sensation.
The struggle that would pulverize us without the remnants in the game of the love without the break, without us knew his tip.
If not because of the cold soft wind from the deep of the heart, we were swallowed by our tumult personally.
I was shaking and shivered, you also just as, afterwards we fell headlong.
But that continued to whip and tear us, whether until.
Let the tumult was protracted with the time trip, until was buried in our heart.
Remain that a scratch.
It is hoped Allah, the owner of the Most Great Love strengthened the scratch.
As the sign that we had had something that was extraordinary, something that was most beautiful we ever had.
Then will be belong to us forever.

September 2008
JH Alifulhaq


Tuesday, September 16, 2008

The Darkness Of The Light

Fall down in my struggling against my own longing.
Throw me to the world that no one and no thing never touch, world of darkness.
I found nothing, but dark and the darkness.
There was no remained of me except one point hidden deep in my heart, soluble in the darkness.
I was alone
Waiting the death picked me up
Someone that was covered the light was very bright suddenly approached, dazzled me.
He extended the hands asked me to go.
For a moment I stopped.
My hands were kept to gain his hands.
He did not light anything.
Just made me be dazzled.
Also did not touch the small point in my heart.
My place stifled the longing that continued stinging and torn me.
These could not be erased by anyone and anything.
The palace of the truly love.
Was plant by the most great lover and beloved?
He is the owner of the most great and everlasting love.
My Lord.

September 2008
JH Alifulhaq


Kegelapan Dalam Cahaya

Dalam pergulatanku dengan rinduku sendiri.
Aku tercampak ke dunia yang tak pernah tersentuh oleh siapapun dan apapun.
Dunia kegelapan dari segala kegelapan.
Tiada yang tersisa dari diriku kecuali satu titik kecil tersembunyi di hatiku yang paling dalam.
Semua larut dalam kegelapan.
Sendiri aku disitu.
Menunggu ajal menjemputku.
Seseorang yang diliputi cahaya terang benderang tiba-tiba mendekat.
Aku silau.
Dia mengulurkan tangan mengajakku pergi.
Sejenak aku tertegun.
Tanganku tertahan untuk menggapai tangannya.
Dia tidak menerangi apa-apa.
Hanya membuatku silau.
Tidak juga menyentuh titik kecil di hatiku.
Tempat aku meredam rindu yang terus mendera.
Titik yang tak pernah bisa dihapus oleh siapapun dan apapun.
Tempat bertahtanya cinta sejati
Ditanam oleh Yang Maha Mencintai Lagi Maha Dicintai
Pemilik cinta Yang Maha Agung Lagi Kekal.

September 2008
JH Alifulhaq


Monday, September 15, 2008

No Ending Straight Way

Time comes to the end of the way that I was chosen.
The way that explained by whom would gained the star and sky.
I was spread out no powerful in the peak of the place tower of people would gained the star.
Repeatedly I was tried to gain the star, but he moved further away tempted me while blinking:” come on, gained me “.
I appealed, where the running.
The star indicated sky.
Tiredly I was waiting for the answer, sky continued to say nothing, until I lay downed was spread out.
Suddenly someone stood on my chest.
My breath was crowded; I resisted but was not powerful.
I asked: “Who are you“.
He answered calmly and patiently: “Thank you for greeted me“.
“Who are you“, was answered: “You chose the way that was explained by mind“.
“Who are you“.
“Chose the straight way have no ending, so that was you looked for“, was answered again.
“Who are you “, he answered: “I was very close to you, but you not heeded me“.
“Who…. ”, he the piece: “I will point out the running if you cared to me “.
I could not still ask.
He gazed at me with the victory smile while saying: “I was your heart“.

September, 2008
JH Alifulhaq


Once upon a time in this trip, stepping the tracks of the longing.
I was trapped in the forest of praise, the forest of words.
Take me on asleep without the meaning, lost the tracks that were I run after.
An accosted shocked me, despite only glances in my heart.
I really know accosted like that.
Only you the owner that could comes through deep in my heart.
You are the owner of the great and the everlasting love.
My Lord, Allah Rabbul Alamin.

September 2008
JH Alifulhaq



Tiba saatnya aku sampai pada ujung jalan yang kupilih.
Jalan yang dibentang oleh mereka yang hendak menggapai bintang dan langit.
Aku terkapar tak berdaya di puncak menara tempat orang-orang hendak menggapai bintang.
Berkali-kali aku coba menggapai bintang, tetapi dia menjauh sambil berkedip menggoda :” Mari, raih aku “.
Aku berseru, dimanakah jalannya.
Bintang menunjuk langit.
Lelah aku menunggu jawaban, langit terus membisu, sampai aku rebah terkapar.
Tiba-tiba seseorang berdiri diatas dadaku.
Nafasku sesak, aku meronta tapi tak berdaya.
Kutanya : “ Siapa kau “.
Dia jawab dengan tenang dan sabar : “ Terima kasih telah menyapaku “.
“ Siapa kau “, dijawab : “ Kamu telah memilih jalan yang dibentangkan oleh pikiran “.
“ Siapa kau “, dijawab lagi : “ Pilihlah jalan yang lurus tak berujung, itulah yang kamu cari “.
“ Siapa kau “, dia jawab : “ Aku sangat dekat padamu, tetapi kamu tak pernah menghiraukanku “.
“ Siapa….”, dia potong : “ Aku tunjukkan jalannya kalau kamu peduli padaku “.
Aku tak sanggup lagi bertanya.
Dia menatapku dengan senyum kemenangan sambil berkata : “ Aku adalah hatimu “.

Sept, 2008
JH Alifulhaq.



Suatu saat di perjalanan ini dalam menapaki jejak rindu.
Aku terjebak dalam belantara pujian, belantara kata. 

Akupun lelap tanpa makna, kehilangan jejak yang aku buru.

Tersentak aku ketika ada yang menyapa, meskipun hanya kilasan di hati.

Aku sangat kenal sapaan seperti itu.
Hanya Kau pemiliknya yang bisa merasuk ke dasar kalbuku.
Tuhanku, pemilik cinta Yang Maha Agung Lagi Kekal.
Allah Rabbul Alamin.

September 2008
JH Alifulhaq


Jejak Rindu


Hasratku begitu kuat

Untuk selalu disisiMu dalam perjalanan ini

Letih aku memburu jejakMu

Sampai di cakrawala yang maha luas

Oh asingnya, oh jauhnya

Senjapun jadi bisu saat kutanya

Dimanakah pujaanku Sang Pemilik Cinta Yang Maha Agung

Bintang-gemintang bingung

Tinggal kelipnya jadi isyarat

Oh jauhnya, oh asingnya

Ketika rindu terus mendera

Aku silau kemilau berlian

Ketika rindu terus mendera

Aku larut dalam debur ombak

Ketika rindu terus mendera

Gemuruh dada melambungkanku di awang-awang

Ketika rindu terus mendera

Aku tenggelam dalam desah nafas bidadari dan tangis bayi

Ketika rindu terus mendera

Aku tercabik, aku tercampak, aku terpuruk

Oh jauhnya, oh asingnya, oh pedihnya

Termangu aku di kaki bukit tanah leluhur

Kicau burung dan gemercik air, desah angin diantara bulir kuning

Nyanyian masa kecil

Kepak sayap burung menyapaku

Masih sapaan lama, seperti dulu

Ada makna yang kutangkap

Semilir dingin membisikkan gaung tanpa putus

Aku menggigil seperti Muhammad di gua Hira

Engkau tlah lama terasing jauh diatas menara gading

Semuanya jadi jauh dan asing

Sekarang engkau tercampak dari sana

Tataplah menara itu dalam wujud yang utuh

Ada cahaya dari menara, dari jejak yang aku buru

Jejak Sang Pemilik Cinta Yang Maha Agung

Allah Rabbul Alamin, Tuhan semesta alam

Oh dahsyatnya

Tak sanggupku menatapnya

Aku terkapar, luruh dan luluh seperti Musa di bukit Sinai

Wahai kalbuku

Tataplah Dia dengan rasa takut

Agar aku selalu dilindungiNya

Wahai kalbuku

Tataplah dia dengan tulus ikhlas

Agar aku disucikan

Wahai kalbuku

Tataplah dia dengan cinta

Agar aku senantiasa dalam gelimang cintaNya serta cinta semesta

Wahai kalbuku

Janganlah berhenti menatapNya dengan syukur

Agar aku kekal dalam nikmat cintaNya.

Rumah di kaki langit 2005

JH Alifulhaq