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Monday, October 13, 2008

Waiting 2

Here, in my place was waiting at this time
I remembered in old time
I stepped all the ways, until the heavens limit, to pursue the tracks of the longing
I was almost buried in magma the love that glowed
And I protracted in sighed of the fairy's breath and the baby's crying

When my eyes were almost blind by was dazzled illusion
Found by me the light actually
The light that guided me to my place was waiting at this time

Here, in my place was waiting at this time
I’ve seen you reluctantly chose the way that has explained by me for you
The way that was straight and easy to come here, to my place
My place was waiting at this time
The world that where all of them stayed young and new because always was renewed
Boredom, difficulty, sad, the suffering and torture died here
Remained only outstanding enjoyment, stretched in the nature that the area without the limit
Even how many was gulped by us, will be never finished, because of continuing to improve so many fold times

From my place was waiting at this time, I spoke honest to you, in your conscience, deep in your heart
I knew where the way ending that was chosen by you
That your choice personally
But the lived not just the choice
The life was the will and the conviction
Before were all to be late
Before were all to be destiny
Still had time and the opportunity to change the direction to the way that has explained by me
To my place was waiting at this time

Oct. 2008
JH Alifulhaq


Menunggu 2

Disini, di tempat aku menunggu saat ini
Aku ingat dulu
Ketika aku menapaki semua jalan
Sampai batas cakrawala
Untuk memburu jejak rindu
Aku nyaris terkubur di magma asmara yang membara
Dan larut dalam desah nafas bidadari dan tangisan bayi

Ketika mataku hampir buta oleh silau fatamorgana
Aku temukan cahaya sesungguhnya
Cahaya yang menuntunku ke tempatku menunggu saat ini

Disini, di tempatku menunggu saat ini
Aku lihat kamu enggan memilih jalan yang telah kubetangkan untukmu
Jalan yang lurus dan gampang untuk sampai kemari, ke tempatku
Tempatku menunggu saat ini
Tempat segalanya tetap muda dan baru karena senantiasa diperbaharui
Kebosanan, susah, sedih, penderitaan dan siksaan telah mati disini
Tersisa hanya kenikmatan tiada tara, membentang di alam yang maha luas tanpa batas
Seberapun kita reguk, tidak akan pernah habis, karena terus bertambah sekian kali lipat

Dari tempatku menunggu saat ini, aku bicara jujur padamu, pada nuranimu di hatimu yang paling dalam
Aku tahu kemana berakhirnya jalan yang kamu pilih
Itu pilihanmu sendiri
Tapi hidup bukan sekedar pilihan
Hidup adalah kemauan dan keyakinan

Sebelum semuanya terlambat
Sebelum semuanya jadi takdir
Masih ada waktu dan kesempatan untuk merubah arah ke jalan yang telah kubentang
Ke tempat aku menunggu saat ini

Okt. 2008
JH Alifulhaq

Thursday, October 9, 2008

That not yet during him

When the heart ticked was stopping
Cold shivered crept from foot as far as the chest
I lay downed was spread out was waiting for the death pick me up
I asked: “Is this during him“
But the sign has not still emerged
I also asked my Lord:"Have I deserved back to Your side?"
Have I been clean holy from the sin and my mistake?
If not yet, I please was given by time so that I become appropriate was Your side
The heart again ticked
Cold suddenly vanished
I was grateful, Allah who was Lover and Beloved? gave me time.

Oct 2008
JH Alifulhaq


Belum Saatnya

Ketika jantung berhenti berdetak
Dingin menggigil menjalar dari kaki sampai ke dada
Aku rebah terlentang menunggu maut menjemput
Aku bertanya : “ Inikah saatnya “
Tapi pertanda belum juga muncul
Akupun bertanya pada Tuhanku, apakah aku sudah pantas kembali ke sisiMu
Apakah aku sudah bersih suci dari dosa dan kesalahanku
Kalau belum, aku mohon diberi waktu agar aku jadi pantas berada disisiMu
Jantung kembali berdetak
Dingin tiba-tiba sirna
Aku bersyukur, Allah Yang Maha Belas Kasih memberi aku waktu.

Oktober 2008
JH Alifulhaq